这个新鲜的外观响应Magento主题正是你需要建立一个在线商店销售冷冻食品, 糖果和有机产品. It is packed with exclusive plugins intended to expand...
销售: 47
支持: 4.2/5
Build a powerful 食物 商店 with this top-notch theme. 它提供了一个干净和极简的布局,因此您可以使内容看起来结构化和有组织. The responsive design offers splendid...
销售: 28
支持: 3.1/5
If a visitor of your 在线 食物 shop feels a sudden hunger, you can be sure that its design has hit the spot. 这个现成的美味主题也会产生同样的效果,你的商店会有一个...
销售: 39
支持: 3.1/5
Sell  Buy Caviar Magento Theme
Caviar is a rather expensive product not everybody can afford, so it will take maximum efforts from the merchant to promote it on the market. The process will be much easier with a good website...
销售: 9
支持: 3.1/5
Tasty Popcorn Magento Theme
Theres a tradition to take a bucket of popcorn before watching a movie, whether you are at home or in the cinema. 由于这种零食现在很流行,所以开始做爆米花是有利可图的...
销售: 4
支持: 3.1/5

Best 食品商店Magento主题s for Your Online Store

Do you want to move your 食物 business 在线? 你正在寻找最有效的方式来创建一个网上商店并赚取利润吗? 你来对地方了. Template怪物 is here to help you with all these questions. 建立一个令人惊叹的网站,只需点击几下,比你的竞争对手更好.

我们的食品商店Magento主题纳入了所有必要的功能,使在线体验瞬间. 它们充满了Ajax. 它意味着诸如将产品添加到购物车或愿望清单之类的功能, 产品搜索, 或过滤器-将在几毫秒内执行,而无需重新加载整个页面. 酷,不是吗?! Still, don't believe it; check out the live demos!

The 特性 You Get with Grocery Shop 线上购物的主题

除了这, 每个食物 Shop Magento主题都包含大量的社交媒体图标,可以很容易地链接到相应的网络, thus giving your clients the freedom of sharing. The simple and intuitive navigation enhances the impact of large photos. 那么,您还可以使用杂货店的Magento模板获得哪些功能?

  • 产品徽章. 在食品商店的电子商务网站上使用徽章来指示产品的状态和价值. These Ul elements provide more effective promotion of e-商店 merchandise.
  • 产品的旋转木马. 你可以在主页上展示大量的产品. The presentation will look really organized and smart. 这个功能很重要,因为很多顾客不愿意深入挖掘你的商店主页, especially when it looks confusing.
  • 响应设计. Create a user-friendly website that will work on any device. It increases the number of potential customers and leads you to success. 响应性意味着你的客户可以自由地使用任何工具来查看你的在线商店.
  • Ajax搜索. With this function, you can get 搜索 results when you type. You will see the results as long as you keep typing, 但你总是可以选择删除字符,再次获得更广泛的结果. Ajax搜索帮助访问者快速找到他们需要的东西,这使得网站更加无能.
  • 博客. 小众网上商店通常不卖很多产品,所以他们对这些产品很精通. 网站上的博客是一个你可以与客户分享知识的平台. 它使您有机会强调您在该主题方面的专业知识并赢得用户的尊重.

Who Can Use 食物 Store Magento eCommerce Themes?

Many companies are starting to do business 在线. 它给企业带来了巨大的利润,增加了客户群体,并有助于扩张. 有一个网上商店, 你可以在网上展示你的产品,并把它们卖给来自世界各地的游客. No matter what size your company is, creating a website is an important element of everyone's success. So who may benefit from using 食品商店Magento主题s?

  • 杂货,
  • 美食广场,
  • 有机商店,
  • 素食店,
  • 超市,
  • 和更多的.

杂货店的Magento模板是web开发人员和最终用户的完美选择. You are welcome to edit every section and page you see on the theme.



  1. 销售描述. 内容为王. That's what SEOs say; they also talk about uniqueness and other necessary things that 搜索 engines love. But it's not the 搜索 engines that buy from you; it's the people. If you write a bunch of unique but meaningless text, it will be of little use. But if you write selling text, 添加照片, 图, 视频, 好处, the probability of buying can increase many times over.
  2. 社交媒体整合. 在网站上创建尽可能多的与客户沟通的类型,这样他们就可以用所有可能的方式联系到你. Phone numbers from all operators, 电子邮件箱, 在线聊天, 回调, 社交网络, 推出, Skype, WhatsApp, 等.
  3. 免费送货. Another very important factor that influences the decision to buy. Most 在线 商店s practice free shipping. 例如,您可以只向加入行业俱乐部的人提供此功能.
  4. 为客户提供担保. Every client has their own fears. I will be thrown out; the goods will come of poor quality, it's all a hoax, 等. 如果你能让顾客从恐惧中解脱出来,就通过给他一些保证来激发他的信心. The probability that he will buy will increase significantly. Here are some examples of how to give guarantees to your clients:
  • 固定电话号码;
  • SSL证书;
  • physical address in contacts;
  • 货到付款;
  • articles on authoritative resources;
  • 文件;
  • certificates of appreciation and other documents confirming your reliability.

食物 Store Magento 模板 FAQ

I want to use your 食品商店Magento主题s for several projects. 我该怎么办??

There are some options that may meet your needs. The first one is to buy For 5 Site license. 它使您有机会在多达五个域上使用一个杂货店模板. The second option is a 怪物One subscription. You can find different plans such as yearly, lifetime. You pay once and get access to our amazing collection of top templates. You will be able to download as many 食品商店Magento主题s as you need.

How to find the best 食品商店Magento主题s for my company?

Feel free to use filters on the left sidebar. 如果您的公司颜色为绿色,欢迎您按颜色过滤模板. 指出你想在未来的网上商店中得到的最重要的功能. 在其他方面, 有按主题的过滤器, 标签, 货币, 风格, web表单, 等级价格, 语言支持, 线上购物的兼容性, 和更多的.

Do you have 食物 Store Magento 模板 for free?

是的,当然. 你是欢迎检查我们惊人的收集免费Magento主题的食品商店. Please, note that we don't provide technical support for free 项目.

Are there any limitations in editing 食品商店Magento主题s?

No, we don't have any limitations. You are welcome to customize the pages and content as you wish.

Best eCommerce Tools for Magento 食物 Store Themes

我们为您的杂货店Magento商店收集了10+有用的工具,这些工具将帮助您增加销售并改善客户体验. Watch a video and choose your perfect way to make conversions higher. 适用于食品杂货,美食广场,有机商店,素食店,超市Magento项目.